Octane render cinema 4d r19

broken image

15:13:03: 0: INFO: End Job called - shutting down Cinema 4D Batch plugin

broken image

15:13:03: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'End Job'

broken image

15:12:49: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Render Task' 15:12:49: 0: INFO: Finished Cinema 4D Task Here’s the error : 15:12:49: 0: INFO: Script Ran Successfully The only way to recover the license is start/stop C4D manually / gui way. Everything is working fine except that at the end of the job the ‘shutting down Cinema 4D batch plugin’ throw an error and hold the octane license. We have an issue running Cinema4D R19 job with Octane 4.

broken image